DFW Tree Removal Service
Serving the DFW metroplex for over 35 years
"We'll go out on a limb for you"

Tree Removal
DFW Tree Removal Service has been removing trees in DFW for over 30 years. We have a great staff of professional tree removal experts that are available to you should you need to us.

Schedule a Free Estimate
Tree Removals can be very dangerous. Please make sure you hire a tree service that meets the following criteria:
Insured for damages
Climber uses rope & saddle (No free-climbing)
The proper equipment is used
Fully trained ground staff
If the company representative looks unprofessional during the estimate phase, most likely the crew will be unprofessional when they show up as well. There is no room for horseplay or unprofessionalism during a Tree Removal. Safety guidelines must be followed at all times.
At DFW Tree Removal Service, we practice safety at every turn. Our crews use hand signals and call signs to help ensure a safe and problem-free tree removal for you.